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Category Archives: Arduino
NESC or Nintendo Entertainment System Controller Library
A write up on a new Arduino library I made for interfacing with a NES controller Continue reading
NoDelay Library Update!
This took me a little longer to get to writing then I was hoping for, but here it is. I did some more work on the NoDelay Arduino Library and fix some bugs. The biggest was an issue that would … Continue reading
A Fireplace for Christmas
What do you do when you want to hang your stockings up on the fireplace but you don’t have one? The answer is simple, you build one! This is what was asked of me by my sister as she wanted … Continue reading
Iron Man Arc Reactor
The Arc Reactor is (in my opinion) one of the coolest pieces of Sifi tech to come out of the comics / movies ever. Not only is it a useful device for powering things like armed suits, it also just … Continue reading
My Adafruit FRAM I2C Plus Library
Not long ago, Adafruit released there I2C FRAM breakout board. This board offers 32 kbytes (256 Kbits) of storage space and the ability to be read/written to ten trillion times. That is a lot of cycles and much more then … Continue reading
Write String to Arduino EEPROM
Updated 4/10/16: Changed read_StringEE function with improved code Follow up article HERE! I have been working on a project, the same project from my Using an Arduino with C# post. Besides needing to send commands and settings to my Arduino … Continue reading
Tilt Maze Game
Intro: This past week I was asked by my grammar school science teacher if I would stop by his class and show off a cool project that would inspire his students, just like I had last year. Though it was … Continue reading
NeoPixel Ring Goggles Build
This past weekend was the New York Comic Con 2014. For people who don’t know, Comic Con is a fan convention for things like Anime, Toys, Video Games and the like. One thing people do when going to Comic Con … Continue reading
WiiChuck Mouse
While browsing one of my favorite online electronic stores, adafruit.com, I came across something cool. This something was a Wii Nunchuck controller, and upon seeing it I was hit with a flash of inspiration. I didn’t just see a Wiichuck, I … Continue reading
Arduino Mega to Repair Trinket Bootloader
While working on one of my projects, which used a Trinket, I managed do damage the bootloader. In fact I did this to two of my three 5V Trinkets. Luckily for me, Adafruit has a great writeup on repairing the … Continue reading